Several years ago, half a dozen friends whose common bond was their disabled children began to meet regularly at local, child friendly venues. They became a valuable source of support for one another and the children benefited from the regular contact with their friends. The aptly named “Special Friends Club” was set up as a charity in 2011 so that more families could join the fun.
Our Trustees

Liz – I’m Chair of Trustees and I’m also responsible for our membership database. We really enjoyed the summer trip to see the rhinos at Cotswold Wildlife Park, despite the rain!

Chantal – I’m Secretary of the Charity. We like outdoor activities and really enjoyed the recent visits to Dyrham Park and Berkeley Castle.

Colin – Vice Chair. Our favourite activities are swimming and anything where we can see animals, oh and trains are good as well.

Jane – I have responsibility for Trustees’ skills and training along with our policy review timetable. Our favourite activities as a family are woodland walks and visiting gardens.

Leanne – I’m responsible for raising funds for the charity through applying for grants. Our family’s favourite activities with the Club are visiting Jump for soft play and the Longleat lanterns display.

Maya – I’m Treasurer for Special Friends. Our favourite recent activity was a fun afternoon on the trains at Ashton Court Miniature Railway.

Sophie – my role is arranging the activities and events for the charity. I host a lot of the trips and enjoy meeting the new families and seeing the children and young people try new things they would not have done before.